Brand Ambassador Sarah Thomas


 love bicycling (touring, road riding, triathlons, mountain biking, cyclocross), running, hiking and traveling. 

Words of advice.  Don't wait until you feel prepared, or else you'll never do it. Sometimes you have to jump in and try something new before you're comfortable with it. Also, while you're in the middle of a bike tour or adventure, try to enjoy each moment as it comes. I sometimes find myself looking ahead to the next thing we could be doing before we're finished with our current adventure. Make sure you don't forget to enjoy what you're doing!

What are some things that inspire adventure? I like reading stories from other people's adventures, and watching movies or seeing photos from beautiful places on instagram or in magazines. But my imagination is pretty strong too, and I'm always scheming about the possibilities for my next adventure (sometimes this gets in the way of my advice to enjoy the moment I'm in currently).

Instagram Nomadic Cycling Nomadic Cycling Blog

Read Sarah's Review on the Hauler Saddle/Pack Bag
 Hauler Bike/Messenger Bag Hauler Bike Bag on Bike